F15-10/6: WORKSHOP: Ben & Ilari’s Spectacular Testing Circus

Track/s: Strategy

Roll up for Ben & Ilari’s spectacular testing circus! Our gates are open for both testers and developers alike. The lion tamers and the clowns welcome a healthy mix of both for the show. Take your seats. We’ll dim the lights. The stage will soon be set for spectacles and wonders. Enjoy the show!

This one-day interactive workshop sheds light on some of the most important fundamentals in software testing. Each section has a short introduction followed by a practical exercise or a game. Participation is not compulsory, but strongly encouraged.

We will work our way through:
– testing missions,
– checking & testing,
– safety language,
– modeling,
– focusing/defocusing and
– the generation of test ideas.

There will be puzzles and laughter and a distinct absence of PowerPoint slides, so come along. Be entertained (you may even learn something useful).

Note: This workshop does require that attendees bring a personal laptop. 

Download Presentation

Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speaker:

Ben Kelly – Development Team Lead, eBay
Ben Kelly - Development Team Lead, eBayBen Kelly has been in the software testing industry for over a decade. He has worked in numerous fields including Internet statistics measurement, insurance, education and online commerce in Australia, Japan and England. He is a regular presenter at testing conferences in Europe, the United States and Australia. Ben is currently a development team lead for eBay’s European Product Development department and resides in London.

Speaker Details:

Ben Kelly – Development Team Lead, eBay
Twitter: @BenjaminKelly
LinkedIn: Ben Kelly
Website: TestJutsu.com
Prior Speaking Engagements: CAST, Let’s Test – Internationally, Nordic Testing Days

Ilari Henrik Aegerter – Managing Director, House of Test

Ilari Henrik Aegerter - Managing Director, House of TestIlari Henrik Aegerter’s formal studies have brought him from General Linguistics and Sociology to Software Engineering and Software Testing. He has 10+ years of experience in the field, coming from the medical software domain at Phonak AG and progressing to e-commerce at eBay. He is now the Managing Director of the Zurich branch of House of Test and he believes that there is still a lot of work to be done for excellent software testing. In 2013 he co-founded the International Society for Software Testing, which advocates for bringing back common sense to testing. He is currently president of the organization.

Speaker Details:

Ilari Henrik Aegerter – Managing Director, House of Test
Twitter: @IlariHenrik
LinkedIn: Ilari Henrik Aegerter
Blog: Ilari.com/blog
Prior Speaking Events: CAST, Let’s Test