F15-10/5: WORKSHOP: Personality Types – Understanding Ourselves, Understanding Others

Track/s: Leadership

Do big meetings energize you or drain you? In your everyday work, do you tend to notice what can be seen with the eyes and touched with the hand, or what can be seen with the mind and felt by the heart? When you are ready to take action on a matter, is it because the decision makes sense to you, or because it feels right? What do you prefer, the reassurance of a settled plan or the joy of open exploration?

There are no right answers; there are only preferences. These preferences are tendencies that we have, and which often manifest in major conflict amongst us. Yet, the diversity of humanity calls for acceptance and appreciation of the differences in our variety of psychological types.

In this workshop, we will explore the fundamentals of psychological type, as laid out by the personality typology/system from Jungian psychology. This practical system informs us about ourselves and guides not only our own growth, but our interaction and growth of families, teams, and organizations. We will leave with a deeper understanding of our selves and others so as to foster teams that reach bigger achievements.

Please register ASAP – there is a cap of 20 participants for the workshop and participants will need to complete a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment prior to the workshop.

Workshop Takeaways:

  • A deeper understanding of your own problem-solving preferences
  • How elements in personality combine and dominate a personality.
  • A deeper understanding of the other psychological types, and how to approach them in a manner familiar to them.
  • Join our tutorial to better understand ourselves and each other.

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Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speaker:

Leo Hepis – President, Leo Hepis

Leo Hepis - President, Leo HepisLeonidas Hepis is a certified MBTI Personality Type practitioner, who has been testing software and managing software test teams since 1994. He has a keen interest in how different personalities come together to produce amazing results at the workplace, by capitalizing on their diversity and not sacrificing their individuality. He lives in San Diego, California where he finds “rain” to be an extraordinary, marvelous, and inspiring event. He favors organizations that have maintained their sense of humor and playfulness.

Article: Myers Briggs Personality Types @STPCon

Speaker Details:

Leo Hepis – President, Leo Hepis
Twitter: @leohepis
LinkedIn: Leo Hepis
Past Events: STPCon, CAST, Let’s Test