Track/s: Performance
This event is all about hands-on learning. The goal is that you will leave with a handful of PurePaths, log files, graphs, metrics and new ideas that you can show and share with your peers. Join application performance enthusiast, Andreas Grabner as he walks you through the most common performance problems in the frontend (web, mobile, rich client), backend (web server, app server, database, etc.) and discusses common deployment mistakes. He will then go into a hands-on mode where he will show you how to analyze your own application. That’s why we hope that you BYOA (Bring Your Own Application – learn how to identify the typical performance hotspots in your Java, .Net, PHP, web or mobile Android or iOS applications using free available tools)!
Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.
Session Speaker:
Andreas Grabner – Performance Advocate, Dynatrace
Andreas is a performance enthusiast who has been working in this field for the last 15 years. He helps organizations find the real problems in their applications and uses this knowledge to teach others how to avoid these problems by sharing up their engineering best practices.
Speaker Details:
Andreas Grabner – Performance Advocate, Dynatrace
Twitter: @grabnerandi
LinkedIn: Andreas Grabner
Website: Dynatrace
Blog: Dynatrace Blog
Past Events: STPCon, STAR West, STAR East, Agile Testing Days, W-JAX, JavaOne, CMG