F14-11/5: Testing is Priceless – Becoming a Better Tester Doesn’t Have to Cost a Pretty Penny

Track/s: Strategy

As a tester, it’s important to learn and grow every day and to evolve with the ever-changing concepts and technologies that are constantly being introduced. Testing is about learning. Professional testers, those who take their careers seriously, are constantly and deliberately seeking to learn, to improve, and to grow. Learning is a journey that takes determination, but not necessarily a lot of money. How can you make testing PRICELESS for you? And by priceless, we do not mean cheap, or inexpensive. There may be a dedication of TIME and STUDY involved. But the benefits of this dedication and determination will result in a more versatile and experienced tester. Alessandra Moreira shares how each tester can take charge of his or her own career and how self-learning has helped her on her personal journey to become a better tester without much expense.

Session Takeaways:

  • Think creatively about learning
  • How learning about other disciplines can influence the way you test for the better
  • Free and nearly free resources for testers
  • Role of social media and networking
  • Importance of practicing various testing methods and styles, and places you can do it for free

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Session Speaker:

Alessandra Moreira – Deputy Practice Head – Quality Engineering, Lab49
Aalessandra MoreiraAlessandra Moreira has over 14 years testing experience that ranges from technical tester to test manager. Alessandra has experience in varied industries from insurance and trading to web apps. She is is passionate about coaching testers and helping them develop their skills and is highly involved in the testing community worldwide, devoting time to causes that have the potential to improve the industry in a global, community and/or individual level. Alessandra is a current member of the Board of Directors for the Association for Software Testing, is a regular speaker at testing conferences, writes for test magazines and is the coordinator and facilitator for Weekend Testing ANZ.

Speaker Details:

Alessandra Moreira – Deputy Practice Head – Quality Engineering, Lab49
Twitter: @testchick
LinkedIn: Alessandra Moreira
Blog: RoadLessTested.com
Past Events: Let’s Test Sweden, CAST, Let’s Test Sydney