F14-11/5: Jane, Stop this Crazy Thing!

Track/s: Performance

It’s not a Jetson’s universe yet, but mobile, cloud and IoT are pushing performance expectations and continuous delivery cycles to new limits. Teams supporting this pace have learned to utilize production data, compress mundane tasks, and share the load across Dev and Ops.

Session Takeaways:

  • New ways to capture and define user performance expectations
  • Introduce load testing with Continuous Integration
  • What’s happened to the load testing lab
  • Using production environments as the ultimate testing ground
  • Monitoring it all to feed the crazy cycle

Don’t be a George Jetson. Join this session and hear some adaptive approaches companies are taking to meet the increasing performance requirements of today’s impatient users.

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Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speaker:

Brad Johnson – VP Product Marketing, SOASTA
Brad JohnsonBrad is a cloud-testing pioneer who joined SOASTA in December 2008. His former roles as head of test and monitoring products at Compuware, Mercury Interactive and Borland prepared him well to disrupt the skeptical and established software quality market with updated approaches and technologies for continuous web and mobile testing.

Speaker Details:

Brad Johnson – VP Product Marketing, SOASTA
Twitter: @BradJohnsonSV
LinkedIn: Brad Johnson
Website: Soasta.com
Past Events: STPCon