F14-11/5: Conflict Resolution Within Your Team

Track/s: Leadership

QA is, by definition, a bit of a burr in the saddle of the development process. Yet, “the team” is the most important component of successful software development. It is important to understand how to effectively communicate to your team, issues/defects/direction, while at the same time building confidence in each other within the team. This session will present ideas for handling team conflicts, building working relationships, gaining the trust of others on your team, and overcoming the stigma that critical thinking is an attack on another team member. Gaining trust within your team
and focusing on a common goal are paramount to the team’s success.

Session Takeaways:

  • Handling conflict resolution.
  • Developing trust within your team.
  • Communicating within the team without an “attack” atmosphere.
  • Creating an environment where critical thinking does not mean being critical of another.
  • Creating a common goal oriented team.

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Session Speaker:

Jeff Porter – Senior QA Engineer, FamilySearch.org
Jeff PorterMasters degree in Business Administration, 33 years of consulting experience, both with Andersen Consulting and my own private company. Last 10 years working to build and implement an agile environment while building and international genealogical site containing information on 3 billion people and adding millions of names a week by digitizing digital images of genealogical records.

Speaker Details:

Jeff Porter – Senior QA Engineer, FamilySearch.org
LinkedIn: Jeff Porter
Past Events: STPCon