F14-11/5: Bugfest! Exterminating Bugs Using Kanban Techniques

Track/s: Agile

Know any testers who have bugs opened more than a year ago and still sitting in their defect queue? More than two years ago? Three? The fact is that many software development efforts are focused on delivering new features and functionality, leaving workarounds in place for bugs released in prior versions of applications. Often these defects seem relatively minor—we all have some workarounds for customers—but these are still bugs and ultimately should be dealt with. If you are seeking effective methods to close out those bugs once and for all, Shaun Bradshaw shares his experience eradicating aging bugs—in a Bugfest! Shaun shows how to effectively use kanban techniques to bring visibility to a myriad of outstanding problems left over from previous releases as well as to order and prioritize the work to clear out the nastiest, most offensive defects—and ultimately exterminate those pesky bugs!

Session Takeaways:

  • What is a Bugfest
  • Kanban Primer
  • Is a Bugfest Right for Your Organization
  • How it Works: Squashing Bugs with Kanban

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Session Speaker:

Shaun Bradshaw – Vice President, Zenergy
Shawn BradshawShaun Bradshaw has twenty years in the IT industry with the last eighteen spent helping organizations improve their QA and testing processes. With emphasis on practicality, Shaun has created and implemented customized best practice methodologies for numerous companies in a wide variety of industry verticals. His specialties include effective testing and test management techniques, test metrics implementation, and agile/test team integration. A graduate of UNCG with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Shaun speaks at most of the major QA and testing industry conferences and is recognized for his presentations on test metrics, the S-Curve, and the Zero Bug Bounce

Speaker Details:

Shaun Bradshaw – Vice President, Zenergy
Twitter: @shaunbradshaw
Facebook: Shaun Bradshaw
Blog: Zenergy Technologies
Past Events: STPCon, STARWest, STAREast, QAI Quest