F14-11/4: How To Use Selenium Successfully

Track/s: Automation

Want to learn how to use Selenium from the ground up? In this session, Dave will show you how to start from nothing and build out a well-factored, maintainable, resilient, and parallelized set of tests that will run locally, on a Continuous Integration server, and in the cloud. These tests will not only work well but across all of the browsers you care about while exercising relevant functionality that matters to the business.

This Session Will Show How To:

  • Decompose an existing web application to identify what to test
  • Identify which browsers to test with
  • Pick the best language for you and your team
  • Setup Selenium to work with each browser you care about
  • Write maintainable and reusable Selenium tests that will be crossbrowser compatible and performant
  • Build an integrated feedback loop to automate test runs and find issues fast
  • Setup your own infrastructure or connect to a cloud provider
  • Dramatically improve test times with parallelization
  • Navigate the Selenium landscape to find information on your own

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Session Speaker:

Dave Haeffner – @TourDeDave
Dave HaeffnerDave Haeffner is the writer of Elemental Selenium (elementalselenium.com) — a free, once weekly Selenium tip newsletter that’s read by thousands of testing professionals. He’s also the creator and maintainer of ChemistryKit (github.com/chemistrykit) (an open-source Selenium framework), and author of The Selenium Guidebook (seleniumguidebook.com). He’s helped numerous companies successfully implement automated acceptance testing; including The Motley Fool, ManTech International, Sittercity, and Animoto. He’s also a founder/co-organizer of the Selenium Hangout and has spoken at numerous conferences and meet-ups about automated acceptance testing.

Speaker Details:

Dave Haeffner – @TourDeDave
Twitter: @TourDeDave
Website: davehaeffner.com