F14-11/4: Continuous Architecture Validation

Track/s: Automation

Continuous Integration allows us to not only verify functionality of our code – it also allows us to validate architectural rules such as, “Do not call the same SQL statement twice”, “Do not transfer more than 50k per Web Service call”, or “Do not flood the log with unnecessary log output”. In this talk we discuss how you can leverage your existing test automation (Unit, Functional, Integration and Performance Tests) to also validate these architectural rules in your C/I. Validating these rules and letting violations of these rules fail your builds allow you to prevent typical architectural and
performance problems to make it into test and production

Session Takeaways:

  • How to identify “architectural regressions” on a build-to-build basis
  • Key Metrics to capture with your Unit Test Execution such as # of SQL Statements, # of Exceptions, # of Log Entries, etc.
  • Why and How to capture the same metrics in Production to extend Continuous Delivery with the best practices from Continuous Integration

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Session Speaker:

Andreas Grabner – Technology Strategist, Compuware
Andreas GrabnerAndreas Grabner has 10+ years’ experience as an architect, developer and tester in the Java, .NET and web space. In his current role, Andi analysis performance and scalability or large software projects. He helps with his expertise in finding problems and gives recommendations on how to improve the software to meet the expectations of the actual end user. He is a frequent speaker at technology conferences on performance and architecture related topics and regularly publishes articles blogs on apmblog.compuware.com.

Speaker Details:

Andreas Grabner – Technology Strategist, Compuware
Twitter: @grabnerandi
LinkedIn: Andreas Grabner
Blog: Compuware
Past Events: STPCon, Agile Testing Days – Berlin, STAR West, Velocity, QCon, JavaOne