F13-901: Building the Business Case for ATDD

Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design

Software development teams are under increasing pressure to deliver applications cheaper, faster, and better. As a result, many groups are using some kind of iterative or “agile” development methodology, all with the promise to achieve software faster, better, cheaper. However, shorter product releases cycles mean greater opportunity and need for regression testing. This creates resource management challenges as the burden of regression testing grows and competes with resources needed to test new feature functionality. As a remedy for this situation, many have proposed the use of test automation in the form of Acceptance Test Driven Development methods. Many managers, and even front line testers, tend to resist this approach. How can we diffuse the tension so that management will understand the necessary investments and the testers on the front line will take up the challenge with enthusiasm?

Session Takeaways:

  • How ATDD shortens the feedback cycle in Agile environments.
  • Cost benefit analysis of implementing ATDD.
  • Challenges to automated ATDD.
  • How to identify the right place and time to implement ATDD

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Session Speaker:

Joseph OursJoseph Ours – Director of Advisory Services, Cohesion
Joseph draws on 15 years” experience providing executive-level leadership while managing high profile initiatives with a demonstrated ability to lead people towards successful delivery. Throughout his diverse career, he has built a solid reputation as a thought leader who exhibits a results-driven business approach and exceptional ability to achieve success. He is a strong leader in business processes with a proven history of providing project and portfolio management of large technology initiatives. Joseph brings both a strategic and tactical thought process to solving IT related issues. Joseph holds Bachelor”s degrees in Electronic Engineering Technology and Technical Management in addition to a Masters of Business Administration.