F13-304: Agile – Where the Rubber Hits the Road

Track: Agile Testing

A practical application of the Agile process—how the process can work from front to back, or be split up to conquer the process little by little. We will walk through the whole concept of creating stories, bidding stories(hashing out designs and expectations), assigning stories to a sprint, test first development using a test plan and assigning tests to unit/one time manual/acceptance and integration automation tests, defect tracking, automation test completion, sell-off, and deployment. We will also discuss the concept of QA enforcing the go/no go for a story at the end of the sprint. This rigidity has helped us take control of our complex environment, without slowing the development cycle too much. Attendees will benefit from the speaker’s experience.

Session Takeaways:

  • A practical guide through the agile process, including a potential handout showing the flow.
  • Real life knowledge of how the process can work and help improve your organizations.

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Session Speaker:

Jeff PorterJeff Porter – Senior QA Engineer, Familysearch.org
Jeff has a Masters degree in Business Administration and 31 years of consulting expereience, both with Andersen Consulting and his own private company. Over the last 9 year, he has been working to build and implement an agile environment while developing an international genealogical site containing information on 3 billion persons and adding millions of names each week by digitizing digital images of genealogical records.