F13-201: Dimensions of Test Coverage

Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design

You hear people talk about “coverage” a lot in testing, but what exactly do they mean? Three different people could mean three¬or more¬different things when they use this word. It’s not that those different meanings are wrong, they’re just¬different. Test coverage is a powerful and important topic, and it’s time we all got clear on what it means and how to use it. So, in this presentation, Rex will explore the various dimensions of test coverage and how you can make those dimensions work for you on your next testing project.

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Session Speaker:

Rex BlackRex Black – President, RBCS
With a quarter-century of software and systems engineering experience, Rex Black is President of RBCS (www.rbcs-us.com), a leader in software, hardware, and systems testing. As the leader of RBCS, Rex is the most prolific author practicing in the field of software testing today. His popular first book, Managing the Testing Process, has sold over 40,000 copies around the world, including Japanese, Chinese, and Indian releases, and is now in its third edition. He has written over 30 articles, presented hundreds of papers, workshops, and seminars, and given about 50 keynotes and other speeches at conferences and events around the world. Rex is the immediate past President of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board and of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board.