Track: Tools & Trends Showcase
MonkeyTalk (formerly FoneMonkey and FlexMonkey) is free and open source tool that lets testers record, play back, edit, and manage comprehensive functional test automation suites for native Android, iOS, HTML5 and Adobe Flex applications. In addition to the basic operations, learn how to parameterize and datadrive test scripts, create reusable testing libraries, and create cross-platform tests that work with both iOS and Android applications.
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Session Speaker:
Justin Shacklette – Director of Testing Tools, Gorilla Logic
Justin Shacklette is Director of Testing Tools for Gorilla Logic. He leads the development of MonkeyTalk, a free and open source functional testing tool that lets testers record, play back, edit, and manage comprehensive functional test automation suites for native Android, iOS, HTML5 and Adobe Flex applications.