Track: Tools & Trends Showcase
Certification of software testers by independent professional organizations is a relatively new phenomenon in the IT industry. The basic parameters of standard terminology and recognized best practices found in software developer certifications and other engineering disciplines have become acknowledged as fundamental to software testing professional success. That testing success has moved from the realm of anecdote to quantified achievement.
This session presents the approach of ISTQB, an independent international tester certifying organization, who has achieved a measure of professional acceptance.
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Session Speaker:
Gerald D. Everett – Director, American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB)
Dr. Everett is a retired IBM testing expert. His academic work and industry experience spans 45 years of IT software development, testing, consultative services, and publishing.
While at IBM, Dr. Everett developed and delivered software testing courses to approximately 4,000 IBMers and clients in the USA and 16 other countries. One result of his training activities was nomination to the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) where he serves as a Director since 2007.