Track: Test Automation
Test automation promises substantial benefits to an organization including accelerated test cycles, increased coverage, accuracy in reporting and enhanced productivity. The reality, however, is that in many cases, automation projects fail before they deliver projected ROI or they substantially under-perform on the objectives. This session will cover five proven strategies for a successful testing automation strategy and how to best allocate your test automation budget.
Session Takeaways:
- A practical guide to developing a successful automation strategy including where to spend your budget dollars and allocate resources.
- Case studies outlining strategies to choosing the following: End-to-End scenarios, Automation Frameworks, Implementation Approaches and Test Data
- Definitions of metrics and how to capture them to validate that your strategies are working
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Session Speaker:
Sreekanth Singaraju – Vice President, QA and Testing Services, Alliance Global Services
As Vice President, QA and Testing, Sreekanth has more than 12 years of senior technology leadership experience and leads Alliance’s QA & Testing organization in developing cutting edge solutions. He is a respected technology thought leader with focus in testing Agile projects, test process automation and metrics-based development approaches and utilizing lean techniques in software development.