Track: Performance Testing
This session will cover the expansive understanding of performance testing metrics and how they can be used to drive quality initiatives upstream and downstream in the application lifecycle. Too often today we see that performance measurements (CPU, DISK, MEMORY, NETWORK) are left out of early testing automation and pass/fail criteria, when it would be absolutely more cost-effective if we could find and fix those bottlenecks earlier. Testers who are new to performance testing success criteria will learn new ways to correlate and analyze performance measurements and extrapolate the results in a reliable and repeatable way. Testers who are interested in taking their bug-finding skills to a whole new level will be delighted to expand into performance-related testing investigation, exploration and risk analysis.
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Session Speaker:
Mark Tomlinson – President, West Evergreen Consulting, LLC
Mark Tomlinson is a performance engineering and software testing consultant. His career began in 1992 with a comprehensive two-year test for a life-critical transportation system, a project which captured his interest for software testing, quality assurance, and test automation. That first test project sought to prevent trains from running into each other — and Mark has metaphorically been preventing “train wrecks” for his customers for the past 20 years. He has broad experience with real-world scenario testing of large and complex systems and is regarded as a leading expert in software testing automation with a specific emphasis on performance.