F12 – 901: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Testers

Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers

As the title of the talk implies, the speaker will describe/propose seven habits of being highly effective in a Tester’s role and will present techniques for adopting those habits. A tester must make a paradigm shift in his or her job and adopt a professional attitude towards testing and test engineering processes in general. The session’s focal point is on some proven approaches for obtaining personal and interpersonal effectiveness that are necessary to become a highly effective tester.

Session Takeaways:

  • Learn what is causing the paradigm shift in test engineering
  • Identify bad assumptions and blind spots
  • Develop coverage, confidence and common sense in your every day job
  • Use mathematics and statistics to measure results and effectiveness
  • Understand the psychology of testing

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Session Speaker:

Rakesh RanjanRakesh Ranjan – Manager and Software Test Architect, IBM Corporation
Rakesh manages a high performance Test Engineering and QA team for IBM’s flagship database product DB2. He has over 16 years of software design, development and test experience on a variety of midrange and distributed platform products in various industries. Rakesh is also a part time lecturer at San Jose State University where he teaches Graduate courses in the Computer Engineering department on Software Engineering and Testing & QA. His detailed profile can be found at http://www.linkedin.com/in/ranjanr