F12 – 802: Testing in the World of Kanban – The Evolution

Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design

In this session, Carl Shaulis presents a journey of a team who adopted Kanban and went from 6 week release cycles down to almost daily. This session will then shift into second gear illustrating how the team has evolved the practice and how Kanban migrated to other teams.

Attendees will learn:

  • What is Kanban?
  • How do testers play a role in Kanban?
  • Why are more teams adopting Kanban?
  • How to elevate Kanban to deliver Value

The session is intended to be interactive and collaborative so bring on the questions.

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Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speaker:

Carl ShaulisCarl Shaulis – QA Engineering Manager, HomeAway.com
Carl Shaulis has been testing software for 10+ years and has over 15 years of management experience. Carl takes an analytical approach to testing and has the fortitude to embrace change. Carl has lead testing teams for small start-ups to large enterprise organizations. Carl is currently at Homeaway.com creatively testing in order to make a difference in the vacation rental marketplace. You can find his testing opinions at http://kungfutesting.blogspot.com.