F12 – 603: Application Performance Test Planning Best Practices

Track: Performance Testing

Many companies experience performance issues in production even after they have tested it to endure load. Why? This session will demonstrate the value of performance testing for real-world scenarios and how to properly plan for your application’s “perfect storm”. How to create and react to chaos before it happens in production will be explored. Attendees will learn tried and true guidelines that can used to plan for realistic peak loads and understand what worst case looks like before customers do. In addition, we will discuss how cloud architecture and Software-As-A-Service introduces new problems. Attendees will walk away with a repeatable test execution methodology to use on any performance testing project in the future.

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Session Speaker:

Scott MooreScott Moore – President & CEO, Northway Solutions Group
With over 18 years of IT experience with various platforms and technologies, Scott has tested some of the largest applications and infrastructures in the world. He has mentored and developed testing services for “Big Five” services firms, top insurance companies, and major financial institutions in the US. In 2004, Scott founded Loadtester Incorporated, focusing on performance testing and building “centers of excellence” around application performance. He is a Certified Instructor and Certified Product Consultant in HP’s LoadRunner and Performance Center products. In October 2010, Scott became President and CEO of Northway Solutions Group, with Loadtester remaining a subsidiary of the company. He currently holds HP certifications for ASE, ASC, and CI.