F12 – 402: Optimizing Modular Test Automation

Track: Test Automation

Many companies have recognized the value of test automation frameworks. Appropriate test automation frameworks maximize ROI on automation tools and minimize script maintenance. One of the most common frameworks is the modular test automation approach. This approach uses the same concept as software development: building components or modules shared within an application. For test automation, the modular approach decomposes the application under test into functions or modules. The functions or modules are linked together to form automated test cases. While this approach encourages reusability and maintainability, there are many challenges that must be considered and addressed at the start of a project. This presentation will address these challenges.

This presentation describes the key factors the QA group needs to consider during the design phase of implementing a modular test automation approach. The QA group will learn the aspects of the modular test automation approach, the benefits of implementing a modular approach, the pitfalls of a modular approach, and best practices to fully utilize the modular approach.

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Session Speaker:

David Dang – Senior Automation Consultant, Zenegy Technologies
David Dang is a HP/Mercury Certified Instructor (CI) for QuickTest Professional, WinRunner, and Quality Center. As a recognized automation expert, David has provided automation strategy and implementation plans for numerous clients to maximize ROI and minimize script maintenance. David has been a featured speaker on test automation and related topics at local and national QA and Testing conferences including Quality Assurance Institute (QAI), StarEast, STP Con and PSQT. David received his B.S. in Management Information Systems and B.A. in Psychology from the University of Buffalo.