F12 – 304: Finding the Sweet Spot – Mobile Device Testing Diversity

Track: Mobile Application Testing

How can you possibly do it all?! Infinite hardware/software combinations, BYOD, crowdsourcing, virtual capabilities, data security…the list goes on and on. Companies are struggling with insecure, complicated and expensive answers to the mobile testing challenges. The Aetna technical teams have created an innovative mobile testing set of solutions that not only protect data but allow for many different approaches to mobile testing across the lifecycle. Whether you want to test from the Corporate Lab, from your own backyard or halfway around the world, we have a solution…you choose.

Session Takeaways:

  • How to tackle the complex nature of mobile testing
  • Techniques to address BYOD, Offshore Vendors, Crowdsourcing
  • Software capabilities for virtual testing of mobile devices
  • Private and public testing clouds

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Session Speaker:

Sherri Sobanski – Senior Strategic Architect Advisor, Aetna
Sherri is currently the Senior Strategic Architect Advisor focusing on technical test strategy and innovation supporting Aetna’s testing team. Sherri is also the acting head of Aetna’s Mobile Testing Capability Center. Sherri has held a variety of business and IT roles in her diverse career; Treasury, IT Infrastructure Management, IT Security Management, Change Management, Specialty Testing, Environment Management and many challenging special projects.