Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design
Are you curious about heuristics and how to use them? In this session, Karen Johnson explains what a heuristic is, what a mnemonic is, and how heuristics and mnemonics are sometimes used together. A number of both heuristics and mnemonics have been created in the software testing community and Karen reviews several of each and gives examples of how to use and apply heuristics and mnemonics. In this session, Karen outlines how to create your own mnemonics and heuristics. She also explores ways to use both as a way to guide exploratory testing efforts.
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Session Speaker:
Karen N. Johnson – Founder, Software Test Management, Inc.
Karen N. Johnson is an independent software test consultant. She is a frequent speaker at conferences. Karen is a contributing author to the book, Beautiful Testing released by O’Reilly publishers. She is the co-founder of the WREST workshop, more information on WREST can be found at: She has published numerous articles and blogs about her experiences with software testing. You can visit her website at: