F12 – 205: Complement Virtual Test Labs with Service Virtualization

Track: Test Automation

This session explains why service virtualization is the perfect complement to virtual test labs—especially when you need to test against dependent applications that are difficult or costly to access and/or difficult to configure for your testing needs.

Virtual test labs are ideal for “staging” dependent applications that are somewhat easy to access and have low to medium complexity. However, if the dependent application is very complex, difficult to access, or expensive to access, service virtualization might be a better fit for your needs. For example, assume that the application under test needs to access a third party application with high access fees. In this case, service virtualization fills the gap around the virtual test lab by giving your team a virtual endpoint in order to complete your test environment. This way, the developers and testers can access the necessary functionality whenever they want, as frequently as they want, without incurring any access fees. For another example, assume you have a mainframe that’s easily accessible (since it’s controlled by your organization), but difficult to configure for testing. In this scenario, service virtualization fills the gap by providing flexible access to the components of the mainframe that you need to access in order to exercise the application under test. It enables the team to test vs. a broad array of conditions—with minimal setup.

Session Takeaways:

  • Remove roadblocks for performance testing, functional testing & Agile/parallel development
  • Close the gap that exists with incomplete or capacity-constrained staged test environments
  • Streamline test environment provisioning time and costs beyond traditional virtualization

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Session Speaker:

Wayne AriolaWayne Ariola – VP of Strategy, Parasoft
Wayne Ariola is Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development at Parasoft, a leading provider of integrated software development management, quality lifecycle management, and dev/test environment management solutions. He leverages customer input and fosters partnerships with industry leaders to ensure that Parasoft solutions continuously evolve to support the ever-changing complexities of real-world business processes and systems. Ariola has more than 15 years of strategic consulting experience within the technology and software development industries. He holds a BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and an MBA from Indiana University.