F12 – 203: CSI:Miami – Solving Application Performance Whodunits

Track: Performance Testing

Application performance problems continue to happen despite all the resources companies employ to prevent them. When the problem is difficult to solve, the frequent response is to assemble a crisis team or conduct an all-hands bridge call. If the problem defies resolution, the organization will often bring in outside expertise. We see a similar theme played out on TV detective shows. When the local authorities are baffled, the likes of a Jim Rockford, Lt. Columbo, or Adrian Monk are brought in. These fictional detectives routinely solved difficult cases by applying their unique powers of observation, intuition, and deductive reasoning. The writers also gave each character a unique background or odd personality trait that enhanced their entertainment value. Solving real world performance problems requires much more than a combination of individual skills and an entertaining personality. This session will present examples of real life application performance issues taken from the author’s case files to illustrate how successful resolution depends on effective teamwork, sound troubleshooting process, and appropriate forensic tools.

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Session Speaker:

Kerry FieldKerry Field – APM Specialist, CSS Management Team, US Bank
Kerry Field has over 35 years of experience in information technology covering a wide range of disciplines including applications development, product and service support, systems and network management, functional QA, capacity planning, and application performance. For the past 11 years Kerry has specialized in application performance troubleshooting, root cause analysis, enterprise systems monitoring, and application and network impact assessments. He has an ITIL Foundations Certificate and was a Six Sigma Green Belt. He also served on the customer advisory boards for Keynote, Wily Technology, and APDEX.