Track: Strategic Business Alignment
Imagine rigorously testing a mission critical application. Your test team has been diligent to follow best practices and generate metrics to reflect software quality. You present a summary and analysis report to the customer and then it happens…the infamous question. “How do I know that there are no bugs in this software that will result in non-productive time (NPT)?” Months of hard work come down to that one astounding question.
This session will detail the measure of software reliability as the definitive measure of quality. Throughout the project life-cycle, measures of quality, test success, and test completion are indicative of progress. The culmination of these metrics is often difficult for some stakeholders to translate for acceptance. Software reliability dependencies begin with model driven tests derived from use-cases/user stories in iterative or agile development methodologies. Aligning the test process with a project’s development methodology and in many cases PDM is integral to achieving acceptable levels of software reliability. Relevant dependencies that impact software reliability begin with test first, test continuously. Some dependencies are within the scope of responsibility for software test professionals. Others require collaboration with the entire project team. Developing applications according to standard coding practices is also essential to attain software quality. Unit tests developed and executed successfully impact software quality. These dependencies and more will be discussed as we explore the definitive measure of quality, software reliability.
Session Takeaways:
- The Definitive Measure of Quality
- The Importance of Process Alignment to Development Methodologies
- Dependencies of Software Reliability
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Session Speaker:
Lia Johnson – Manager, Drilling & Evaluation Software Testing, Baker Hughes Incorporated
Lia Johnson began her career at the CIA and NASA as a software developer upon graduation from Lamar University with a BBA in Computer Science. As a developer Lia quickly realized the importance of software quality and shifted her interests to quality assurance. Lia is a CSTE (certified software test engineer) and has been a software test professional for 22 years. Her passion for software quality is evident in her application of concepts and best practices applied throughout her career. Now working for Baker Hughes Incorporated as a Software Testing Manager, Lia has been instrumental in defining and aligning a test process for drilling and evaluation mission critical systems as well as establishing a Community of Practices for Software [Firmware] Testers. During her career, Lia has been invited to speak at several conferences on topics related to test process and advanced testing techniques for automation.