F11-Pre-4: Implementing a Test Automation Framework

Track: Pre-Conference Workshops

Whether you are only considering automation or have years of experience, this course will help you improve your chances for success. Take advantage of Linda Hayes’ twenty years of automation experience to learn how to use frameworks to accelerate your test automation effort, dramatically shorten the learning curve, allow non-technical analysts to develop and execute automated tests, and simplify test library management and maintenance.

Get the facts on what automation can – and can’t – do for you, and find out how to get management to give you what you need to succeed. Learn how to avoid the traps and pitfalls that doom projects, including unrealistic expectations. Understand when automation is appropriate and when it isn’t, and how to maximize the right opportunities.

This workshop provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for selecting and implementing a framework and takes you on a guided tour of five different approaches—from beginner to advanced—with analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Learn how to use these practical and proven approaches with any commercial or internally developed testing tool for web, client/server, mainframe, and character-based applications. Linda provides real world examples, new knowledge, and skills you can use as the framework for a new automation project or to make an existing project more successful.

Key Concepts:

  • What are the benefits of automation?
  • How to get management commitment
  • What are the risks?
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • What are the cost components?
  • What it takes to implement and maintain automation
  • What are cost effective strategies?
  • How to cut costs using frameworks
  • What are alternate approaches?
  • Detailed review of six framework architectures

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Session Speaker:

Linda HayesLinda Hayes – Founder, WorkSoft, Inc.
Linda has over twenty years of experience in software test automation and is the founder of WorkSoft, Inc., developer of next-generation test automation solutions. She is the founder of three software companies including AutoTester, the first PC-based test automation tool. Linda holds degrees in accounting, tax and law and is a frequent industry speaker and award-winning author on software quality. She has been named as one of Fortune Magazine’s People to Watch and one of the Top 40 Under 40 by Dallas Business Journal. She is a regular columnist and contributor to www.StickyMinds.com and Better Software magazine, as well as a columnist for Computerworld and Datamation, author of the Automated Testing Handbook and co-editor of Dare to be Excellent on best practices in the software industry. Her article Quality is Everyone’s Business won a Most Significant Contribution award from the Quality Assurance Institute and was published as part of the Auerbach Systems Development Handbook. You can contact Linda at Linda@worksoft.com.