F11-Pre-3: Workshop on Mobile Testing

Track: Pre-Conference Workshops

Testing the website to ensure your customers can access your website via mobile devices is the hottest trend in the industry. Most organizations have adopted or are considering a mobile strategy for their organization. Are you ready to test this mobile strategy? Testing your website for use by mobile devices is a critical function and may determine whether or not your overall strategy is effective. Attend this workshop to understand the unique aspects of testing websites for compatibility with mobile devices. We will be covering the hottest and most important aspects of mobile website testing.

Topics discussed:

  • Secure pages and site certificates
  • User interface checkpoints such as links, lists and sitemaps
  • Functional tests such as: search, browse, login, cookies
  • Replicating defects on mobile devices, is it different than replicating defects on other platforms?
  • Screen shots: how to capture screen shots for defect reporting
  • Choosing which devices to test with
  • Getting your team access to devices
  • Understanding the different browsers used on mobile devices
  • Multi-locale sites on mobile devices
  • This workshop will help you plan your mobile testing effort.

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Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speaker:

Karen N. JohnsonKaren N. Johnson – Founder, Software Test Management, Inc.
Karen N. Johnson is an independent software test consultant. She is a frequent speaker at conferences. Karen is a contributing author to the book, Beautiful Testing released by O’Reilly publishers. She is the co-founder of the WREST workshop, more information on WREST can be found at: http://www.wrestworkshop.com/Home.html. She has published numerous articles and blogs about her experiences with software testing. You can visit her website at: http://www.karennjohnson.com