Track: Pre-Conference Workshops
Educational theory tells us time and time again that people learn by doing and observing, yet the majority of test training involves lectures, and, for some reason, Powerpoint. This tutorial is different…
This interactive workshop will simulate real market conditions for software testing. Just like the real world, there will be schedule, requirement, and customer pressures. Unlike the real world there will be explanations, discussion, sharing, and learning. You’ll get a chance to see what works by doing it.
At the same time this complex workshop will introducing more challenges, new test techniques, more powerful ways to cover the same scenarios in less time. After an intense morning of software testing, we’ll spend the afternoon on organizational issues, including how to best make use of the little time we have, how to effectively communicate about bugs and risk, and, yes, how actual testing and risk relate to automation.
You will walk away with:
A solid foundation in Quick Attacks, a technique you can use to test any software immediately, without a detailed understanding of the requirements
Analysis techniques for domain testing, designed to help you learn the business logic quickly
Archeology techniques to sniff out hidden requirements, the ones that were so important and obvious that no one thought to write them down
Tools to clarify and negotiate the test group role with management, including setting expectations
Exercises you can take home to do with your team as a brown bag, or to explain testing to larger organizations
If you have a laptop computer, netbook or iPad, please bring it; you’ll want to use it in this interactive simulation.
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Session Speakers:
Matt Heusser – Software Process Naturalist, Excelon Development
Matt Heusser has been developing, testing, and managing software projects for his entire adult life. A Consulting Software Tester and also contributing editor for ST&QA magazine, Matt was the initial organizer of the Great Lakes Software Excellence Conference. In 2008 Matt served as lead organizer for the Agile-Alliance Sponsored workshop on Technical Debt. Matt contributes to the STP Community Blog, and his personal blog, “Creative Chaos”, is consistently highly ranked among testing blogs. After contributing a chapter to “Beautiful Testing”, by O’Reilly, and finishing up a two-year stint as a part-time instructor in Information Systems at Calvin College, Matt recently served as Lead Editor for “How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing” (Taylor and Francis, 2011). He looks forward to looking at this thing he has heard about called “the outdoors.” It sounds nice.

Peter Walen has been in software development for over 25 years. After working many years as a programmer, he moved to software testing and QA. Following a brief foray in Project Management and Business Analysis, he returned to software testing. He has worked in the fields of insurance and finance, manufacturing, higher education/universities, retail, distribution and point of sale systems. Peter is an active member of several testing associations and an active blogger on software testing.