Track: Keynote
Economic downturns, customer expectations, employment issues, technology challenges, expanding regulatory compliance and multi-generation employee communication concerns can take their toll on a sometimes overworked workforce and especially managers and team leaders. As a result, many organizations have decided to implement a positive and consistent workplace culture through their mission, vision, values, goals and strategic objectives. Unfortunately, the reality is that organizational culture doesn’t always translate into a matching employee climate at the first-line supervisor and employee level.
This highly engaging, informative and content-driven presentation will demonstrate how to Build a Better Business by implementing an inspired first line leadership and value-based employee accountability culture and climate of trust, respect, integrity, teamwork, communication, inclusiveness, leadership, service, change and personal responsibility. Remember, it’s the Peoplework – Not The Paperwork!
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Session Speaker:
Bruce Wilkinson – Motivational and Leadership Speaker
Bruce Wilkinson is a leadership and communication specialist, professional keynote speaker, workplace trainer, and author who reinforces personalized messages with humor, passion, enthusiasm, and authenticity. His mission is to help organizations translate their culture into a workplace climate that inspires excellence and accountability.