F11-904: QA Needed, Testers Need Not Apply

Track: Test Process

The CEO says that quality is the most important thing and the VP says that quality is a main focus. Furthermore, the Director says that quality is the company’s passion. It sounds good, right? Yet we still repeat the mantra that one cannot test quality into a product. If we actually believe this, and the goal is quality, why do we still have testers? It is time we deprecate that title and assume our true identities as Software Quality Engineers.

Many companies assume that if they test their software and find and fix the bugs that they have a quality product. Not really. A completely defect free product that an end user will not use is a failure We need to understand that testing is simply the process that is used to assess the level of defects that a product contains. Whereas quality is the sum of the total user experience. The SQE adds value by not only being a master of the end user experience, but by having the ability to translate that experience into feedback to development and management.

In this session you will learn how to transform from a tester into a quality engineer and ideas on how to present quality concerns to management in a way that translates into action.

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Session Speaker:

Bradley BairdBradley Baird – Sr. Manager Product Quality, Harmon
Bradley Baird has over 20 years experience as a QA professional, he has taught and trained groups all over the US as well as in Europe, South America, Australia, and Taiwan on QA practices and methodologies. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and has worked at several large and small software companies where he has created QA departments test labs from scratch, trained test teams and educated stake holders everywhere on the values of QA. Currently he is a SQA Manager at Symantec.