Track: Test Automation
When most managers think of automated tests they picture automating what the manual testers do in running the tests. Sometimes this is what we desire, but it isn’t the most powerful way to use test automation. This session is about extending our reach to do testing that cannot be done manually. Few organizations are working beyond the automated execution of manual tests by:
- Monitoring program activities not observable by humans
- Evaluating massive volumes of data
- Exploring ever-changing areas of the program
- This session covers all of these areas with a focus on using automated tests to explore the system.
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Session Speaker:
Doug Hoffman – Consultant, Software Quality Methods
Doug has been teaching software testing, software engineering, and quality assurance for over 20 years. He does management consulting in strategic and tactical planning for quality software across varied applications and industries. The President of the Association for Software Testing (AST) and a Fellow of the ASQ (American Society for Quality), he holds degrees including MBA, MSEE, and BACS. He holds certificates from ASQ in Software Quality Engineering and as a Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence.