Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers
We will follow a project, role playing a QA person and a tester dealing with problematic scenarios each of us has experienced. Going through the scenarios, we will walk through the different ideas and approaches people in these different roles may have. We will invite the audience to contribute their experiences and encourage discussion of what did and did not work in a given situation.
Example scenarios might be:
- Stake holder has actually rejected the solution but it is going ahead due to lack of communication.
- Requirements were given to Test and Dev without having actually been approved as this got things moving.
Participants will have the opportunity to experience and share a range of different perspectives and approaches to solving project issues. We anticipate lively discussion as discussion reveals the variety of different ways participants have dealt with scenarios that are familiar to all. Our aim is to inspire participants to see differing points of view as well as approaches that will better equip them to deal with issues that can arise on a project.
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Session Speakers:
Tony Bruce – Director, Tony Bruce Consulting Ltd.
Tony Bruce has worked in testing since 2004 with large blue chip companies and small start-ups in both small and large teams in a diverse range of industries. He is very active in the testing community and has run the London Tester Gathering which is a opportunity for testers to get together in a friendly environment to talk about testing.He is still learning and developing so what he believes can and will change. He blogs sporadically blogging at:

Adrian is a QA Analyst for LMAX (London Multi-Asset eXchange) which is building the world’s highest performance financial exchange – a platform for high frequency and algorithmic trading.
Adrian Rapan has provided quality assurance services in the medical and financial industries and has worked at all levels of the testing life cycle; from strategy to test case design. He has full project life cycle experience with practitioner experience in requirements analysis through to design, coding, and testing. While his main focus at the moment is on test automation within the Agile environment, he has worked in highly regulated waterfall projects and he has also developed solutions to aid in the testing process. Adrian is a QA Analyst for LMAX (London Multi-Asset eXchange) which is building the world’s highest performance financial exchange, a platform for high frequency and algorithmic trading. He has a keen interest in the testing community in London and is attending the London Testing Gathering and the London Exploratory Workshop in Testing.