F11-703: Pairing Programmers with Non-Programmers

Track: Agile Testing

Historically, pairing between developers and testers has been limited to acceptance criteria or story definition. However, one of the exciting frontiers of Agile testing is pairing between testers and programmers at strategic points during an iteration.

Regardless of how Agile your team is, if you can get past the fear and old boundaries that limit the value of pairing, you can take a step towards understanding other team members. Knowing testing or knowing coding used to be all that was required to work well on a team, but the bar has been raised. Understanding what is happening in the code can be a huge testing advantage, and it doesn’t mean that you know how to code yourself, just that you understand programming basics and some vocabulary. With this knowledge and an open approach you can uncover new testing ideas.

This session is an experience report about what is working so far in finding the common ground between testers and coders and is targeted for those who are not primarily programmers.

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Session Speaker:

Lanette CreamerLanette Creamer – Consulting Tester/Testing Coach, Spark Quality LLC
After a decade at Adobe, including leading testing on the Creative Suites, Lanette jumped into consulting with both feet. She first delivered an on time, on budget project for a well-known purveyor of coffee products, then went independent, starting Spark Quality LLC. Lanette headed to Indiana to take on a new challenge as a testing coach at a well-respected company in the healthcare industry. She is currently working with a Silicon Valley client, building a testing team from scratch.