Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers
Often testing becomes an isolated exercise focused on tools, metrics, and execution. This session explores the importance of creating a connection between the tester and the end user. By building a connection to the end users of a system, testers feel a greater sense of purpose in their role. The potential benefits in both testing effectiveness and morale will be explored. Methods to create a sense of purpose will also be explored, including ideas for team events and building a high energy culture in the testing team.
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Session Speaker:
Cory Medlin – Director, Healthcare Testing Services, North America, Cognizant
Cory Medlin is an established leader in IT with experience in a variety of roles including leading large scale software development projects, building a PMO, and driving organizations to CMMI Certification. Cory has focused on Quality Assurance for the past several years, leading a large Testing Services organization supporting clients in a variety of industries, and later building a Best in Class QA organization for a leading Health Care provider. Cory currently heads the North America Healthcare Testing Practice for Cognizant.