F11-604: Agile API QA

Track: Agile Testing

Software QA seems to be increasingly about web applications and protocols. But APIs remain critical underpinnings of system and application software. This session will examine API quality assurance and how agile techniques can be applied to make the process more effective, efficient and enjoyable. Participants will learn how to use agile techniques to streamline all of the primary QA activities. Project scoping, managing relationships with management and developers, tool selection, project execution, test deliverables and API testing fundamentals will be covered.

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Session Speaker:

David HefnerDavid Hefner – Senior Technical Staff Member, Hewlett-Packard Company
David has worked in the software industry as a developer, manager and QA professional for small and large organizations for more than 30 years. He has a track record of innovation (U.S. Patent) and experience that spans engineering practices and methodologies, past and current. David has written and presented on various topics such as natural language processing, software QA and model-based testing. David is currently employed in QA for Hewlett-Packard’s enterprise and cloud storage technologies.