Track: Test Automation
How many times have you looked at someone else’s automation code and wondered what they were doing? How about your own code months after you wrote it? Much of the effort to perform test automation comes months or even years after the initial scripts have been written. Before you can begin to debug broken code or write new functionality for a test, you must first comprehend what was previously written.
This session will teach you about many of the common pitfalls in authored code and how you can refactor your code to dramatically improve comprehension. Topics of discussion will include good naming conventions for variables and methods, when to use callable routines, effective use of parameters in routines, variable usage, avoiding “magic values”, code formatting, and objective measurements of code complexity. Examples from the presentation will be provided based on HP QuickTest(R) Professional, but the concepts can be universally applied to any programming language.
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Session Speaker:
Boyd Patterson – President, Patterson Consulting LLC
Boyd Patterson is President of Patterson Consulting, LLC and has 11 years of experience in test automation from the HP\Mercury tool suite as well as 7 years of experience in Windows(R) client application development and design principles. His certification history includes Mercury Certified Instructor, QuickTest Professional, LoadRunner, WinRunner, and TestDirector\Quality Center. Boyd was an active member and leader of the Mercury User Group in Nashville, TN, for several years as well as co-leader of the HP Vivit User Group in Nashville. Aside from consulting activities, industry experience has been focused on healthcare and life insurance.