Track: Test Strategy and Design
Most organizations that develop software as a product, a component of a product, or as a way to reduce internal business expenses manage risk at business, product, and project layers independently, and frequently with separate risk management methodologies. This situation leads to disconnects over what risks can best be managed at which layer, what risks are more or less critical than others, and which critical risks are becoming “lost in the cracks”.
During this session, a consolidated model will be presented with specifics to implementation for managing risk for software products and ensuring business alignment between what is requested and what is delivered.
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Session Speakers:
Matthew Sullivan – Performance Quality Control Engineer, Wolters Kluwer
Matthew Sullivan is currently involved with CCH TeamMate, a suite of internal auditing products from Wolters Kluwer. He was an IT engineer with PricewaterhouseCoopers for ten years, specializing in risk management, finance and accounting applications. His current focus as a test engineer is on understanding the complex social and technical impact of information technology, along with its potential for deliberate or unintentional misuse, and discovering effective controls to reduce these risks and uncertainty. Matthew has a Master’s of Science Degree in Software Engineering from Regis University in Denver. He lives in Tampa with his wife and daughter.

Scott Barber is viewed by many as the world’s most prominent thought-leader in the area of software system performance testing and as a respected leader in the more general field of testing software systems. Scott earned his reputation by, among other things, contributing to three books (Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications, Microsoft Press; 2007, Beautiful Testing, O’Reilly Media; 2009, and How to Reduce the Cost of Testing, Taylor & Francis; TBP Summer, 2011), composing over 100 articles and papers, delivering keynote addresses world-wide, serving as the Executive Director of the Association for Software Testing for 4 years, and co-founding the Workshop of Performance and Reliability.