F11-303: Managing with Metrics: The Saga of a Test Effort

Track: Test Strategy and Design

Some consider test metrics a thorn in software development and testing, but when used properly, they provide valuable insights into what occurs during projects and what strategic and tactical adjustments must be made on a daily basis. This presentation describes how a small set of test metrics were used to successfully manage a major test acceptance effort at the conclusion of a two and half year ERP implementation. Attendees will learn how key metrics drove test management decisions and how these same metrics will benefit their organizations. We will discuss the background, the planning, the effort, and the results, all from the point of view of what the metrics revealed and how they altered the management of the effort as a result.

The following concepts will be taught as a part of this presentation:

  • Planning for the test effort, which metrics will help determine success
  • Key metrics that assist in day-to-day decision making by the test manager and test team
  • How to implement and utilize key metrics to lead a test team in a non-threatening environment

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Session Speaker:

Shaun BradshawShaun Bradshaw – VP Consulting Services, Zenergy Technologies, Inc.
Shaun Bradshaw has spent the last 14 years helping numerous companies improve their QA and test processes by advising, teaching, and mentoring them on effective testing and test management techniques as well as implementing optimized test metrics. Shaun speaks at many of the major industry conferences and is recognized for his presentations on test metrics, the S-Curve, and the Zero Bug Bounce. Shaun is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.