F11-302: Interpreting Performance Testing Results

Track: Performance Testing

You’ve worked hard to define, develop and execute a performance test on a new application to determine its behavior under load. Your initial test results have filled a couple of 52 gallon drums with numbers. Now what? Crank out a bunch of graphs, send them out, and call yourself done?


In this session we’ll look at my CAVIAR process for evaluating test results:

  • Collecting
  • Aggregating
  • Visualizing
  • Interpreting
  • Analyzing
  • Reporting

Then together we’ll look at example graphs taken from actual projects and interpret them to see what hypotheses we can glean.

Finally, I’ll share with you my approach to reporting results in a clear and compelling manner, with data-supported observations, conclusions drawn from these observations, and actionable recommendations.

I guarantee that you will take home at least one new idea that will make you a more effective performance tester.

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Session Speaker:

Dan DowningDan Downing – Principal Consultant, Mentora Group LLC
Dan Downing is a co-founder of Mentora Group, Inc. (www.mentora.com) , a testing and managed hosting company. He is the author of the 5-Steps of Load Testing, which he taught at Mercury Education Centers, and of numerous presentations, white papers and articles on performance testing. He teaches load testing and over the past 13 years has led hundreds of performance projects on applications ranging from eCommerce to ERP and companies ranging from startups to global enterprises. He is a regular presenter at conferences, and is one of the organizers of the Workshop on Performance and Reliability (WOPR).