Track: Agile Testing
On Agile teams, product owners are often crunched for time because of their need to assist the team with the current release while interacting with users to refine features for future releases. A typical solution to this problem is to have multiple product owners, one focused on long term direction and one, or more, focused on short term features. In this session we propose an alternate approach that leverages the strengths of product owners and testers to have a continuous flow from release to release.
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Session Speakers:
Jerry Odenwelder – Product Manager, VersionOne
Jerry Odenwelder has been in software engineering for nearly 20 years with over 6 years of agile experience. Jerry has held roles in software development, consulting and most recently product management. He has worked in start-ups as well as Fortune 500 companies on projects in telecommunications, financial, insurance, transportation and software. From his first exposure to XP, he embraced the principles of Agile, he is an active contributor to the agile community and is a Certified Scrum Product Owner. Having been in software development for many years, Jerry is able to facilitate the organic change necessary for an organization to mature.

JoEllen Carter has more than seven years of experience defining the role of tester on agile teams. From her first exposure to agile methodologies, she’s been an inspired advocate of the value an experienced, collaborative tester brings to an agile team. She’s worked primarily on teams new to agile, transitioning from a traditional QA organization to highly effective agile teams. Her experience in software development and testing began in the highly regulated and QA-intensive nuclear power industry, and now includes direct marketing donor management software, staffing software, e-commerce systems, and project management software. Her formal education includes a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Technical Communication. Her education in agile began with training by Jay Conne, and continues every day she spends on an agile team.