F11-202: Web Testing with Selenium 2.0 – Better, Faster, More Awesome

Track: Test Automation

Selenium is the most popular open-source tool for acceptance testing dynamic web applications. In Selenium 2.0, the Selenium project merged with the WebDriver project. This session will explain the benefits of Selenium 2.0’s technology and go into detail on what is and is not changing. If you like browser test automation, you’ll enjoy what’s cooking in Selenium 2.0.

Selenium was originally created by Jason Huggins and his team at ThoughtWorks in 2004 as a tool for cross-browser acceptance testing of dynamic web apps — apps that use JavaScript heavily on the client. Over the years, the Selenium tool family has expanded to include a Firefox record and playback tool (Selenium IDE), a Remote Control server that allows API access from any major programming language, and a grid server that allows tests to run in parallel across many machines.

Despite it’s widespread industry adoption, the Selenium project is far from done. Selenium’s goal is to drive any browser the same way an end user would (e.g. opening pages, clicking buttons, entering text, etc.) with any programming language on any OS platform. It’s an ambitious goal, and with a steady stream of new browsers (Chrome), new platforms (Android, iPhone), and new HTML5 technologies (video, canvas, offline storage) to support, just keeping up is an arduous task.

This session will also cover trends in testing and test automation, and how Selenium fits into the bigger project management picture. Specific guidance will be given on how to determine what should be tested with Selenium and how to deal with the problem of brittle, expensive-to-maintain Selenium tests.

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Session Speaker:

Jason HugginsJason Huggins – Co-Founder and CTO, Sauce Labs, Inc.
Jason Huggins is co-founder and CTO of Sauce Labs, a cloud computing web testing infrastructure service. Jason is the creator of the Selenium project, a cross-platform, cross-browser web automation toolkit. When not coding in Python or JavaScript, Jason enjoys hacking on Arduino-based electronics projects. Jason has spent time in New York City, LA, and the Bay Area, but Chicago is his kind of town.