Track: Test Process
Testing less, if done smartly, can be very effective in most software development projects. This session suggests the practical methods and tools from real world projects that can make a tester do more with less. In other words, create a big impact with less but utilize the correct testing. You will learn:
- How to mix ad-hoc and exploratory testing techniques with formal testing.
- How to know where the bugs are.
- How to utilize code coverage to prioritize your testing.
- How to manage your time in a high performance test team.
- How to collaborate with the development team.
This session aims to provide you with practical tips and techniques that will make you a highly efficient tester.
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Session Speaker:
Rakesh Ranjan – Software Test Leader, IBM Corporation
Rakesh Ranjan manages a high performance QA team at IBM product development lab in Silicon Valley, California. He has been coding and testing software that runs critical business for almost 15 years. He has co-authored two IBM Redbooks on DB2 Database and Data warehouse and frequently speaks at COMMON and SSTC conferences. Rakesh also teaches Enterprise Software for Computer Engineering Graduate Program at San Jose State University in California.