Track: Test Strategy and Design
When the big boss tells you the critically important project needs to be completely tested, how do we reply? Journey along with Matt Heusser and Pete Walen in a rousing discussion of software testing, professionalism, knowledge and communication about software testing. Along the way you will pick up pointers for explaining testing, setting expectations, risk management … and maybe, just maybe, a little doing more with less. Take home with you a transcript of advice on the issue of complete testing, as well as an audio discussion of the same.
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Session Speakers:
Matt Heusser – Software Process Naturalist, Excelon Development
Matt Heusser has been developing, testing, and managing software projects for his entire adult life. A Consulting Software Tester and also contributing editor for ST&QA magazine, Matt was the initial organizer of the Great Lakes Software Excellence Conference. In 2008 Matt served as lead organizer for the Agile-Alliance Sponsored workshop on Technical Debt. Matt contributes to the STP Community Blog, and his personal blog, “Creative Chaos”, is consistently highly ranked among testing blogs. After contributing a chapter to “Beautiful Testing”, by O’Reilly, and finishing up a two-year stint as a part-time instructor in Information Systems at Calvin College, Matt recently served as Lead Editor for “How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing” (Taylor and Francis, 2011). He looks forward to looking at this thing he has heard about called “the outdoors.” It sounds nice.

Peter Walen has been in software development for over 25 years. After working many years as a programmer, he moved to software testing and QA. Following a brief foray in Project Management and Business Analysis, he returned to software testing. He has worked in the fields of insurance and finance, manufacturing, higher education/universities, retail, distribution and point of sale systems. Peter is an active member of several testing associations and an active blogger on software testing.