F11-1003: Fast and Good: Alternate Approaches to Quality at Etsy

Track: Agile Testing

At Etsy we have spent the last several years learning to move fast at scale. Building on the precedents set by organizations like Flickr, IMVU and Facebook, we have created a testing methodology that is highly automated, low-ceremony and involves participation from individuals across the organization. As our development cycle became more rapid many challenges to testing arose: What is the exploratory tester’s role in such a fast-moving environment? How does one validate simultaneous releases by many different functional teams? How would the feedback loop between the tester and designer need to change? Many of the answers to these questions appeared counter-intuitive at first: never cutting release branches, eliminating the staging environment, asking engineers to assume responsibility for testing their own code.

The end result is an online marketplace with hundreds of thousands of active sellers collectively drawing over a billion page views a month. We look forward to telling the story of how the Etsy team learned to move fast, mitigate risk and deliver quality.

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Session Speaker:

Noah SussmanNoah Sussman – Test Architect, Etsy
Noah Sussman is a senior software engineer with a background in literature and graphic design. For the last decade he has focused upon building web applications that support Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of a truly world wide web, accessible to everyone.