F10 – 802: The Test Cauldron: Choosing the Right Mix

Track: Test Strategy & Process

Test managers and teams are faced with choices at the beginning of every project. For instance deciding which test techniques and approaches will yield the best results for that particular project. It is very rare that a cut and paste from the last project will fit this new one, especially in the ever-evolving world of software. How much testing should be ad-hoc and how much should be straight test scripts is a valid question. How do I account for my team’s expertise and what issues have come back from the maintenance organization? Starting with arguably the three main approaches to testing—test cases, ad-hoc and exploratory, this presentation will provide some guidelines to creating the most appropriate mix for a particular project. You will gain insight into the advantages of each within a project as well as ways to measure their effectiveness. Like the alchemist of old, you will have a better understanding of the ingredients for the test cauldron.

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Session Speaker:

Jim SivakJim Sivak – Senior QA Manager, McAfee
Jim Sivak has been in the computer technology field for over 35 years. His career as a tester began with the space shuttle and over the years has encompassed warehouse systems, cyclotrons, radars, operating systems and now security software. He is a senior member of the ASQ and is certified as a Software Quality Engineer (CSQE). Jim is passionate about software quality and testing, always looking for process improvements and new ways to accomplish the next set of goals.