F10 – 705: Test Language: Introduction to Key Word Driven Testing

Track: Test Automation

Test Language is a dictionary of keywords that helps testers to communicate with each other and with other Subject-Matter experts. The keywords replace the common English and create an approach called keyword driven testing (KDT). KDT can be used to achieve a number of goals such as, improve communication between testers, avoid inconsistency in test documents, and serve as the infrastructure for Test Automation based on Keyword Driven Testing. The audience will learn a new approach for Automation testing that not only experts can perform. With that approach each functional tester can write, execute and manage test automation scripts.

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Session Speaker:

Ayal ZylbermanAyal Zylberman – CEO and Co-founder, QualiTest
Ayal Zylberman is a senior Software Test Specialist and QualiTest Group co-founder. He has been in the field of Software Testing since 1995 testing several disciplines such as Military systems, Billing systems, SAP, RT, NMS, Networking and Telephony. He was one of the first in Israel to implement automated testing tools and is recognized as one of the top level experts in this field worldwide. Ayal was involved in Test Automation activities in more than 50 companies. During his career, He published more than 10 professional articles worldwide and is a highly requested lecturer in Israeli and international conferences.