F10 – 704: Using Open Source Testing at Ford

Track: Performance Testing

FordDirect.com hosts a beautiful Rich Internet Application (RIA) using a combination of Ajax, Flash, and Flex technology on the front-end and 30 systems on the backend. In this session, Frank Cohen, CEO and Founder at PushToTest, shows how Ford uses Open Source Test (OST) technology to solve their load and performance testing and production monitoring needs. Frank will show the test methodology, test architecture, implementations using Selenium, soapUI, and Java unit tests, and the actionable knowledge produced.

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Session Speaker:

Frank CohenFrank Cohen – CEO, PushToTest
Frank Cohen, is founder of PushToTest and author of FastSOA. Through his speaking, writing and consulting, Frank Cohen is the expert that information technology professionals and enterprises go to when they need to understand and solve problems in complex interoperating information systems, especially Modern Internet Applications (RIA, Ajax, Flex/Flash,) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA,) and web services. Frank is the founder of PushToTest the open-source test automation solutions business and maintainer of the popular TestMaker open-source project.