F10 – 703: Testing Across Timezones: Working with International Teams

Track: Test Leadership

There are many challenges associated with working on international teams. Once these challenges are overcome, working on globally distributed teams can be a rewarding experience both personally and professionally. This session will cover key topics for test risk management. Attendees will learn how to find additional information on the business culture for the countries they work with. Practical suggestions will be provided for improving communication and identifying the best communication mechanisms for teams. Tools will be shared to help facilitate communication for distributed teams. Quality and intellectual property are major risks associated when working with other countries. These risks will be outlined and suggestions will be provided to address them. There are specific qualities that make some individuals more suited for success on international teams. A profile of key qualities will be provided for test managers and leads looking to create globally diverse teams. The speaker will share her research mixed with specific examples from her experiences working with teams in China.

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Session Speaker:

Rosanna DyerRosanna Dyer – Test Engineer, Rockwell Automation
Rosanna Dyer has seven years experience as a test engineer working with industrial automation software. Since 2007 she has worked with international teams in Canada, China, Germany, and Poland. She has transitioned two products to China and spent over a year as the test lead of a product team with test engineers in China. Her most recent challenge is training and supporting teams in the US, China, Germany, and Poland on the use of an internal test management tool. As part of her Master’s degree program she has also studied business in China and traveled twice to China.