Track: Test Automation
Is your regression system growing too big to keep up with the software changes in each code branch? Does your test run time exceed your daily time budget? Are your test reports too large to analyze efficiently? Automated intelligent test case selection and automated test analysis based on code changes is more effective than shot-gun regression testing as the complexity of the software base grows and the number of code lines, code changes and change areas increases. By automating the test selection process based on code changes and then automated test-report-targeting based on change analysis a closed loop automated system is realized. These methods realize an effective code change-driven intelligent test method that vastly reduces the time-to-test and time-to-analyze results compared to typical shot-gun regression testing. This session will describe practical tools and methods necessary to integrate software change management with automate driven test management to realize a fully closed loop continuous change drive test management system.
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Session Speaker:
Marc Hornbeek – Manager, Software Infrastructure, Spirent Communications
Marc Hornbeek manages automation of the software build and test infrastructure at Spirent Communications. He has been the primary systems architect of test automation tools, test automations strategies and the corporate-wide champion of test automation for multiple firms ranging from start-ups to large multi-national companies.