Track: Test Leadership
The constant pressure to do more with less, shrink the timing cycles, increase efficiency and decrease cost in testing can be a total drag. After all, if we want to reduce cost, we could just not test at all, and see what happens. But if it weren’t said as a vapid cliche – if there was some actual meat on the idea, maybe we could see some benefit. This panel discussion brings together experts in the field, the contributors to the “Reducing The Cost of Testing” book, to discuss how we can respond to the challenge of reduced cost with integrity and success. You’ll go home with more than ideas to reduce cost; you’ll have a balanced view of the real cost of those tradeoffs, and you’ll have tools to discuss with senior management in a reasoned, articulate way.
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Session Speakers:
Matt Heusser – Technical Staff, Socialtext
A member of the technical staff at Socialtext, Matt Heusser has developed, tested, and managed software projects throughout his professional career. A contributing editor for ST&QA magazine, Matt was the initial organizer of the Great Lakes Software Excellence Conference and lead organizer of the workshop on Technical Debt. Matt’s blog, “Testing at the Edge of Chaos”, is consistently highly ranked among testing blogs. Matt recently contributed a chapter to “Beautiful Testing”, by O’Reilly, and just finished up a two-year stint as a part-time instructor in Information Systems at Calvin College. He looks forward to doing more writing and looking at this thing he has heard about called “the outdoors.” It sounds nice.

Selena Delesie is a Software Test Consultant and Agile coach who runs her own company, Delesie Solutions. She has more than 10 years of experience testing, managing, and coaching in software, testing, and agile practices for leading-edge technologies. Her experiences ignited her passion for creating empowered and collaborative organizations, and in discovering more effective ways to create high quality products. She facilitates the evolution of good teams and organizations into great ones using individualized and team-based coaching and interactive training experiences.
Selena is co-founder and host for the Waterloo Workshops on Software Testing, and an active speaker, participant, and leader in numerous industry-related conferences and associations. She blogs at, and her website is Selena can be found on LinkedIn at and via email at

After 10 years at Adobe, Lanette is now a Senior Consultant with Sogeti. She is currently working as a Test Lead at Starbucks. Lanette has been evangelizing test collaboration for the past 5 years. With a deep passion for collaboration as a way to increase test coverage, she believes it is a powerful solution when facing complex technical challenges. She actively participates in the testing community. She has written two technical papers and a published article on testing in ST&P Mag January 2010 (now ST&QA magazine).
Visit Lanette’s blog:
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Justin Hunter is a combinatorial test design expert who has enjoyed teaching testers on six continents how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their test case selection approaches. He has spent the last five years on a relatively obsessive self-imposed quest to explore the benefits and limitations of applying combinatorial test design methods on real-world testing projects. Prior to founding Hexawise, Justin worked at Accenture for 8 years where he lead combinatorial test design adoption efforts. Given his tendency to talk excitedly to anyone who will listen about combinatorial test design strategies, he has noticed a slow but steady decline in the number of invitations he has received to parties over the last few years.